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Allen County Schools News Article

Traffic Change Coming

      A traffic flow change is coming for individuals who enter the school campus at the Allen County Primary Center each school morning.

   Effective Monday, March 26, the 31-E/231 (New Gallatin Road) entrance to the Allen County Primary Center will be closed each school morning from 6:30 until 8. Individuals needing to drop off students at the Primary Center and/or the Intermediate Center will need to use Oliver Street to access the campus between 6:30 and 8:00 each morning.

  Currently, the entrance is closed each morning starting at 7:10. The change will only affect individuals who currently drop students off before 7:10. Motorists will still be able to exit the Primary Center onto the New Gallatin Road. Local police officers will continue to be at the intersection beginning at 7:10 to direct traffic leaving the school.

   The change represents an effort by school and local law enforcement to reduce the accident risk at the intersection of the New Gallatin Road and the entrance to the Primary Center. Traffic backing up in the turning lanes in recent months before 7:10 has led to an increase in accidents at the entrance. All motorists are reminded to observe the posted 25 mph school zone speed limit signs in the school zones. 

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