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Voice Recognition

Teaching Cycle

Teaching Cycle

Student Ownership & Independence Goal 3
All classrooms exhibit a three part instruction cycle:
1. Use direct instruction to model and scaffold content and or skills to be learned (1/4 of class time)*
2. Schoolwork is gradually released to promote productive struggle during independent and or group work time. (1/2)*
3. Time is given for reflection on what was learned. (1/4)*
Observed in 80% of classrooms on a given day as measured by observational and survey data.
*Based on average teacher talk time vs. student talk time.
Danielson Framework Connection (Exemplary)
3C Virtually all students are intellectually engaged in challenging content through well designed learning tasks and suitable scaffolding by the teacher and fully aligned with the instructional outcomes.
3C Learning tasks and activities are designed to challenge student thinking. Lesson pace provides students the time needed to intellectually engage with learning.
3C Students have the opportunity for both reflection and closure after the lesson to consolidate understanding.
3A Teacher models process to be followed in task when appropriate.
Productive Struggle   .64
Direct Instruction--Gradual Release   .59
Metacognition   .69
Persevere through challenging problems and situations by using various strategies and techniques. Are aware of how they learn best and use that knowledge to pursue personal success.