Exceptional Child Education

Exceptional Child Education Department

The Exceptional Child Education (ECE) Department meets the individual needs of students ages 3 through 21 who are eligible for specially designed instruction and related services according to the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). The department helps with assessment that determines special education eligibility.

Each student’s Admissions and Release Committee (ARC) meets annually to review progress and develop a new Individual Education Program (IEP). A full continuum of services is available, ranging from the least restrictive to more restrictive environments, depending on the specific needs of the student.

The ECE Department, in collaboration with students, schools, families, and the community, helps students with disabilities improve their academic performance.

Exceptional Child Education Department Staff

  • Heather Harwood: Director of Special Education

  • David Fleming: Assistant Director of Special Education

  • Morgan Rowland :School Psychologist/ACS Cares

  • Payton Fisher: School Psychologist

  • Laura Duncan-Wood: School Psychologist