Allen County Primary Center is dedicated to the support of military-connected youth. We want military families to know, whether they are on active duty or in the National Guard or Reserves, that our school is committed to helping their children gain the educational and social-emotional skills necessary to be college, workforce, and life-ready.
Additional Resources for Families:
Allen County Schools Family Resource & Youth Services Centers:
FRYSC Coordinators and staff provide support services for families and are designated as the school liaisons for military-connected families. You can contact the FRYSC by calling your child’s school.
ACPC Purple Star Liaison: Hannah Erwin,
Phone: 270-618-7200
American Legion Post 23 - Bowling Green, KY
American Legion Post 62 - Franklin, KY
American Legion Post 202 - Franklin, KY
American Red Cross:
Child Care Fee Assistance Program:
Halfrey-Dalton VFW Post5712 - 934 Old Glasgow Rd., Scottsville, KY 42164
Kentucky Career Center
Survivor Outreach Services:
USA Cares: